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Simon Kozhin. Custody, care and handling of art objects
Custody, care and handling of art objects
Works of art are sensitive to changes in external conditions and the need of proper treatment. On this page we will tell you about the basic rules of storage, care and transport of art objects. Stipulate right away that all of these tips apply only to those works of art, which initially are in good condition. Storage. For storage of works of art are very important to observe temperature and humidity conditions. Optimal museum conditions are: air temperature ranging from +18 to +22 ° C and relative humidity level for the northern climate of about 50% ± 5% (RH). Raising or lowering the temperature, you can adjust the humidity. Temperature must be kept uniform: not allowed sharp drops and overheating of indoor air. Change temperature slowly and gradually, depending on the season. For heating and cooling, dehumidification and humidification in the room, and cleaning it from dust, you can use air conditioning. However, it should be placed so that the flow of air supplied any speed and direction did not get to work, dispersed far from the exhibits. Room ventilated through windows, vents, transoms possible if between temperature and humidity inside and outside a small difference. Lighting. Properly chosen lighting helps, as closely as possible to convey the color, texture work, it is advantageous to emphasize its artistic merits. However, the light level should not affect the status of works of art. First of all, the exhibits (especially done on paper) should be placed so that they are not direct sunlight. If otherwise is not possible, to help protect against UV rays is advisable to use curtains or blinds are light shades. In artificial light is not recommended incandescent bulbs, as they emit heat raises the temperature in the room and changes the humidity. Safest for works of art are halogen, fluorescent, fiberoptic lighting. They are equipped with special filters, cut-off ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Do not forget that in comparison with natural light in the spectrum of many lamps dominate the rays of a particular hue, so when artificial light flavor of most paintings may vary somewhat. Care. Remove dust from the front of the large paintings of soft squirrel brush with a long nap, clean the pad or mitten made of velvet, flannel, or any material that absorbs the dust. Painted surface swept in one direction, the pressure on the surface of the picture should be very minimal. Do not use for this purpose, hard brush, fleytsy, since they can scratch the paint layer, and, besides, these things do not collect dust and scatter it in the air. Wipe clean with a damp cloth, not painted surface. On the reverse side of the picture and remove dust with a soft cloth or brush with short bristles or a vacuum cleaner with a brush with a long nap. Picture at the same time give a small tilt toward the stretcher. Motion on the canvas should be easy, and brush cleaner should barely touch the canvas. Sculpture of dense types of stone (marble, granite, basalt, quartzite) with good preservation of the surface, no metal parts should be washed once a year with warm water and soap only child. Lather is applied gradually from top to bottom bristle brushes with simultaneous vzmylivaniem on the surface. Remove dust from the surface of metal objects only need to dry (with a brush, vacuum cleaner), or face metal corrosion. Art glass is not recommended to wash with water, because water helps to wash away salts that are part of the glass. It should be twice a year to wipe cleaned with alcohol. Transportation. Painting on canvas should be taken with caution, only for the frame or stretcher bars. In order to avoid pushing the canvas and paint layer of injury, do not touch the front surface of the canvas. If the picture is large, it must bear a uniform step, very slowly, because the vibration of the canvas may cause cracelures soil and debris, and paint. For the same reasons you should not move the picture on the floor, the friction breaks the frame, and if the painting without a frame - fray the edge of the canvas. You can not prislonyat pictures to unstable support, radiator. Put the picture should be soft, without knocking, avoiding the slightest shock. Transportation patterns in a roll is not highly desirable. If necessary, the Canvas to Screw in the hard roll of large diameter colorful layer up, wrapped in paper and then packed in a special shock-resistant material. Should not collapse and graphic sheets without clearance. For transportation and storage of graphics is better to use a special folder or flat wooden boxes, shifting each work sheet of tissue paper. The sculpture is transferred with great care, always with gloves on, holding on to the constructive-solid part to avoid the breakup fragments, avoiding sudden movements or shock. When transporting works of art must necessarily take into account the ambient temperature. Do it, please, if possible, in dry weather. Avoid sudden temperature changes. The material is used for packaging must possess thermal insulation properties. Packaging paintings need so that foreign objects do not touch the painting, to try to mitigate any kind of vibration, to minimize all the mechanical damage and contamination. If the product stored in the home, in need of restoration, then specialist advice is needed if the work has the following defects: cracks and sloughing of the paint layer, warping, holes and tears of the canvas (paper), "bahromlenie" edges of the canvas, a broken stretcher. Help restorer need for wet work and biological contamination of the canvas (mold, bacteria), as well as for the cleaning work of art, because tobacco smoke, street dust and soot from the most polluting of work, why can occur a considerable darkening of the surface. Only qualified personnel should be made clean tinted marble sculpture and sculpture from the soft rock (limestone and soft sandstone, coquina, alabaster, anhydrite, gypsum). Do not attempt to correct the defects in the home. This can be devastating to the works of art. For advice or assistance, please contact exclusively to professional master restorers.