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Art in the City

Art in the City

Catalogue of public art program of Museum for contemporary art PERMM. Perm, Russia. 2009-2011.

P - stop - a project carried out in the city of Perm .
Decorating stop in Perm Area Karl Marx used painting " Russian hunting ." 
P - Stop 2 Museum of Contemporary Art PERMM, as part of the Public Art Program . 
Perm Center for Development of design .
Powered by: Ministry of Culture, Youth and Mass Communications of the Perm region. 
Perm Administration . Management of Roads and Transport Administration of the city of Perm.
Members: artists, designers , architects Total: 100 stops Competition theme : Communication Curator of the project : Arseny Sergeyev jury: Hope Kochurova , Deputy. Head of Administration of Perm Gelman , director of the Museum of Modern Art PERMM Artemy Lebedev , the art director of the Perm Center for Development of design Maxim Keys , Deputy Head of the Department of Roads and Transport Authority Perm Dmitry Lapshin , architect Ivan Kolpakov, editor in chief of the online newspaper "Salt" Project Director , Head of the public art program PERMM: Naila Allahverdieva Project
Coordinator: Margarita Muhmadeeva

Read the electronic catalog of the project

Read about the project on the site of the Perm Design Development