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Kaluga Crossroads

21 look at Klykova

The exhibition, devoted to one of the most picturesque places of the Kaluga region, opened at the Exhibition Hall Gallery "Obraz".
"Klykovo. The Four Seasons" - is the sight of more than two dozen artists at the monastery in the Kozelsk area and its surroundings. Temples, the river Serena, rustic types, landscapes, familiar to many kaluga's people as the abode is fast becoming widely known - all recognizable, and extending the festive mood.
Art open-air, ie, departure of artists in the open air and as a result - the emergence of works, the transmission facilities under the natural light around Klykovo held since 2008. They are attended by artists from Kaluga, Obninsk, Maloyaroslavets, Bryansk, Vladimir, Stary Oskol. As stated by the organizers, this tradition must continue.
Archbishop Lyudinovsky and Bishop George Kirov, opening the exhibition, said the high destiny of the artist and his high mission.
- Klykovo - Monastery of the young. He had just built - says the abbot of the monastery abbot Savior on. Michael. - Of course, we live in today's world and can not be separated from him. But the spiritual lives and in the new monastery walls, since that concept does not change with time.
The exhibition will run until January 23, but some patterns can be seen and then. Thus, two of his works Kaluga Art Museum and Gallery "Obraz" gave Moscow artist Simon Kozhin. And they are exhibited in the Kozelsk child Orthodox Center "Revival", which is headed by an abbot.
The father of Michael, we asked how the monastery will celebrate the Epiphany.
- We are hacks to Serena Jordan, sanctified in her water - said the abbot .- On the feast comes a lot of people from Kozelsk, Kaluga, Moscow, and there are many who want to plunge into it. By the way, we are one of the first monasteries begun to do so, and followed our example and many others.

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The history of foundation of the monastery in Klykovo originated in 1924 when, after the devastation of Vvedensky Optina of monks led by the treasurer of the abbot of Panteleimon (Arzhanykh) settled here.
Center of spiritual life of the community became a local temple in honor of the Savior. In 1937 the church was closed, and in 1991 - returned to the Church. With the transfer of the temple began restoration work. July 17, 2001 was accepted by the Holy Synod of the opening in Klykovo Monastery Savior of the desert.
Author: Andrey Gusev. Photo by Igor Rulev
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