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An article in the journal "Russian millionair

Gallery Russian estate, "represents the work of artists, followers of the realistic traditions of Russian school of painting

The history of Russian art reflects the turbulent history of the country and its geographical position between East and West. Constantly emerging debate about its nature: whether it is a kind of incarnation of the Western European tradition, or a completely original phenomenon. Despite frequent political changes and recurring doubts about national identity, the Russian artistic creativity has a number of distinctive features, such as bright colors, asymmetry of the forms and the tendency is toward realism, then to abstraction.

Realistic painting came to Russia from Europe, where, paradoxically, it is now completely degenerated and disappeared. In the distant XXVII cloth Dutch, Germans, Italians hit the Russian nobility and seamlessly blended with the ancient and original traditions of Russian icon painters. In the second half of 19. realistic direction in painting predominated. Becoming the personification of an official state of art, realism, a school, demanding reform in accordance with their time, and in 1863 from the Academy of Fine Arts came the young painters who rebelled against implanted in the academy of classical style and historical and mythological themes. These artists in 1870 organized the Association of Traveling Exhibition, whose task was to provide members of the partnership opportunities to exhibit their work. Through his work of art made available to a wider range of people. For 1890 years there has been a crisis of the realistic school in art. The turn of 19-20 centuries. was marked in the Russian domination of Art Nouveau. But it should be noted that the modernists were based in his work on the rich experience of its "realistic" predecessors.

Resolution of the CPSU (B) of 23 April 1932 put an end to pluralism, artistic directions. All art associations were dissolved, instead of them entered the union and the republican form trade unions of writers, artists and composers. In 1934, socialist realism, whose essence is defined as "a true and historically correct picture of reality in its revolutionary development", was proclaimed the official style of Soviet art. After the Soviet collapse in 1991 and the collapse of communism in front of the Russian artists new opportunities. State control over the teaching of arts in schools, on professional education and ideological content has given way to complete freedom of association and creative expression. Many people think that realism is the direction outlived its function. All that can be said has already been said. In many respects, a controversial artist, but a truly great master of art education, which has a galaxy of disciples, followers of the realist school, Ilya Glazunov said: "The artist must understand and express the first time with its balance of power, with his understanding of good and evil, with its ideals of beauty, with its understanding of the harmony of peace and purpose of art. " So the history of the Russian realist school of painting continues.

Starting a conversation about the paintings and collectors, remember that the spirit of the centuries brought us exactly private collectors - collectors of antique varieties and more of the Renaissance - the meeting of the Medici family, Louis XIV, the French cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin, Pope Julius II, Emperor Charles V, the kings Peter I, Alexander III and others.
Suffice it to recall that the basis for the first provincial museum in Saratov in Russia in 1885 amounted to a private collection grandson Radishchev - Alexei Petrovich Bogolyubov of 1300 pieces: 207 paintings, 306 watercolors and drawings. The rest - prints, albums, various items of applied art. Another 2.5 thousand items added to the day the museum opened other collectors - collectors as Saratov and other cities of Russia from the Emperor Alexander III and ending with a simple peasant. Only the first three years more than one hundred fifty people have found it necessary to contribute to the organization and consolidation of unseen agencies. The flow of donations is dried and later. In the disorderly flow of offerings were unique things - Pushkin's manuscripts ("The Epistle to the Censor", two chapters of "Eugene Onegin"), the mantle, briefcase, desk, hunting equipment, documents and manuscripts Turgenev, Pauline Viardot, and transferred to AP Bogoliubov, chair of Gogol and his own autograph, received from Gilyarovskogo set of autographs of Russian writers, sent Pypin, personal belongings Chaadayev Belinsky, Lermontov, Radishcheva palette Bryullova and much more. From the Hermitage collection Czar Alexander III gave porcelain, paintings and books. Prominent figures of Russian culture - Stas Mendeleyev, Chess, Yakushkin Somov, Rovinsky - gave the museum his books. Picturesque part of the collection Radischevskaya museum at different times and replenished with the gifts of the Tretyakov art collector Shmarovina, their works to the museum brought the artists Bronnikov, Kharlamov, Sawicki, Antokolsky Nesterov, and, of course, the painters associated with the Saratov-Zhuravlev, Konovalov, Russia, Ivanov. At the turn of 19-20 centuries, first in the U.S., and then in Europe, collecting became a profitable way to invest capital, tax-free, prompting speculation objects gathering. But few dared to make their collections of works by contemporary artists. Not "promoted" the kings of avant-garde, not the "inflated masters" pseudo-realism. Their connection with tradition is not weakened in any position of a revolutionary, nor in the post era of the surgery. It is a tradition of Russian realism. Many of the private collections of 19 and early 20 centuries, were the basis of museums (the collection of the Tretyakov brothers, Shchukin - visual art, Tenisheva - ethnography, Morozova - ceramics, Bakhrushin - Theatre) or entered into their composition (the collection of Uvarov - Archaeology, Dashkova, Ostroukhova - Fine Arts, Dementieva - ornithology, etc.). Some collections of books (eg, Rumyantsev, Chertkov) were the base of the largest libraries.

Artists represented in the gallery "Russian Manor" are the unique bearers of traditional Russian school of painting. This school would envy any country. Italy, Flanders, Holland, France and Germany. Russia lost and confused much of what was handed to her ancestors, but she kept, preserved and developed the talent and creative fire of his school of painting, which we now call RUSSIAN CLASSICS.
In addition to traditional painting a particularly important role played by the succession of generations of painters. The teacher sends his apprentice the secrets of mastery, forms his artistic outlook. So, the continuity of the artists with whom we work is very clearly seen. So, S. A Gavrilyachenko, N. Anokhin learned from VG Tsyplakova, he in turn studied with Ilya Mashkov and AA Osmerkin, who in turn have Korovin and VI AND . Levitan and Levitan AK Savrasov. As you can see, this connection is very strong and goes back to the classics of Russian realism.
The main part of the paintings presented in our gallery, the work of 14 artists - successors to the realistic tradition in art. This is a great master: Nikolai Anokhin, Alexei Evstigneev, Sergey Prisekin, Oleg Molchanov, Nikolay Korotkov, Igor Mashkov, Dmitry Belyukin, Simon Kozhin, Nikolay Tretyakov, Ilya tricky, Valeri Strakhov, Stanislav Plutenko, Eugene Danilevsky. There is a psychological phenomenon: remember what happened at the beginning and the fact that in the end. So: our descendants will remember Surikov, Levitan and remember these artists of the late XX century - Romance of realism, because after these artists of this level are unlikely, despite the fact that many painters have taught and students.

In Russia in the shade of antique struggles and economic crises increased generation of brilliant artists Surikov school, the Academy of Painting and Sculpture. As usual, the first of their commended abroad. Here is a young and budding left, and here's another sign the contract and nothing is selling in Russia ... In our country, not much development of modern technology, engineering, automotive industry, but we have oil, gas, uranium and classy ... beautiful realistic School. It is now opening a new gallery "Russian estate," I believe that there is in our people and Tretyakov, and Mamontov, and many others unnamed, and they come to choose new fabrics Rokotov, Vereshchagin, Repin, which is rich land of ours. How many private and corporate collections formed during this time, with our help? More than fifty. Hundred regular customers, just customers. But this is not enough for a country such as Russia. Contemporary realistic art - until a giant untapped continent. We are waiting for you and hope that in future, in Moscow and other cities will open a museum that will decorate artifacts from private collections of modern art patrons. And again, as before, there will gather and argue about the eternal art, artists, musicians, poets, and the same Shchukin, Demidov, Ashkenazy.

Expert picture "Russian estate," since 1990, Doctor of Arts Professor. Yegor Mashkovsky.

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